Class NetworkPoolType

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NetworkPoolType extends MorpheusModel
Each implementation of IPAM Typically define a pool type for human readable reference. This enables the user to correctly select the pool of the appropriate type. It is also possible for some IPAMProvider implementations to provide multiple types (for example IPV6 vs. IPV4).
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • code

      protected String code
      A Unique Code string for easier programmatic reference and API Use. Should be unique globally
    • name

      protected String name
      Human Readable name of the Pool Type. (can be overridden with i18n schemas).
    • description

      protected String description
      An optional description can be provided if absolutely necessary.
    • creatable

      protected Boolean creatable
      Defines whether or not a Pool can be created from the UI (Currently not supported by the IPAMProvider implementation).
    • rangeSupportsCidr

      protected Boolean rangeSupportsCidr
    • hostRecordEditable

      protected Boolean hostRecordEditable
    • ipv6Pool

      protected Boolean ipv6Pool
  • Constructor Details

    • NetworkPoolType

      public NetworkPoolType()
  • Method Details

    • getCode

      public String getCode()
      Fetches the unique code pertaining to this particular network pool type. Morpheus uses codes for easier reference instead of simply using database ids as these can change from appliance to appliance where as the code is static and unique.
      The unique string code representation of the pool type
    • setCode

      public void setCode(String code)
      Used for assigning a unique code for the NetworkPoolType. These should be globally unique and are typically provided via the relevant IPAMProvider.
      code - a Unique code representation of a pool type. (i.e. 'infoblox').
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the human readable name of the Pool Type that will be displayed in the Morpheus UI for reference. This should ideally be unique but is not mandatory.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Allows one to set the human readable name of the Pool Type that will be displayed in the Morpheus UI for reference.
      name - A human readable name representing the provided network type.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Gets the description of the network pool type if it is necessary for further clarification. In most cases this is not necessary and can be left blank since the pool type name should be descriptive enough.
      A description of the current pool type is returned.
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Sets the description text of the current pool type. This description information can be used
      description - description
    • getCreatable

      public Boolean getCreatable()
      Gets creatable flag from this particular pool type. It informs the UI whether or not this pool type can be created from the UI. This is currently not supported by third party IPAMProvider implementations.
      whether or not this pool type can be created directly from the Morpheus UI
    • setCreatable

      public void setCreatable(Boolean creatable)
      Sets creatable flag from this particular pool type. It informs the UI whether or not this pool type can be created from the UI. This is currently not supported by third party IPAMProvider implementations.
      creatable - whether or not this pool type can be created directly from the Morpheus UI
    • getRangeSupportsCidr

      public Boolean getRangeSupportsCidr()
      Used if the Pool range supports CIDR only as opposed to a start and end ip range. This is primarily used for NSX-T TODO: Possibly not really needed
      whether or not the range supports the CIDR definition
    • setRangeSupportsCidr

      public void setRangeSupportsCidr(Boolean rangeSupportsCidr)
      Used if the Pool range supports CIDR only as opposed to a start and end ip range. This is primarily used for NSX-T TODO: Possibly not really needed
      rangeSupportsCidr - the cidr flag
    • getHostRecordEditable

      public Boolean getHostRecordEditable()
    • setHostRecordEditable

      public void setHostRecordEditable(Boolean hostRecordEditable)
    • getIpv6Pool

      public Boolean getIpv6Pool()
      Defines whether or not this pool type represents an IPv6 pool vs an IPv4
    • setIpv6Pool

      public void setIpv6Pool(Boolean ipv6Pool)