Interface GuidanceRecommendationProvider

All Superinterfaces:
PluginProvider, UIExtensionProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GuidanceRecommendationProvider extends PluginProvider, UIExtensionProvider
This provider allows the creation of custom recommendations that can be shown to the user via the "Guidance" section of Morpheus. These recommendations can represent cost savings as well as be executed upon.
  • Method Details

    • calculateRecommendations

      void calculateRecommendations()
      This is the main entry point for creating discoveries / recommendations for the end user. This method will perform any logic necessary and generate new discovery records
    • renderTemplate

      HTMLResponse renderTemplate(AccountDiscovery discovery)
      Discovery details provided to your rendering engine
      discovery - details of the recommendation used for rendering a detailed recommendation description
      result of rendering a template
    • getIcon

      Icon getIcon()
      Returns the Discovery Icon related to this particularly associated AccountDiscoveryType
      Icon representation of assets stored in the src/assets of the project.
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Provide a more user-friendly title of the guidance recommendation NOTE: Localized versions of the title can be created by creating an i18n key with the format: gomorpheus.discovery.type.${type.code}.title
      the desired title of the discovery type
    • getCategory

      String getCategory()
      Specifies the guidance category for the recommendation. i.e. (security, cost savings, utilization, maintenance, etc) NOTE: This Can be localized by creating an i18n key with the format: (TODO)
      the category string
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Provide a more user-friendly description of the guidance recommendation
      the desired description of the discovery type