Package com.morpheusdata.core.providers
package com.morpheusdata.core.providers
ClassDescriptionProvides an abstract interface and standard set of methods for creating custom analytic types within Morpheus.Morpheus provides a way to generate monthly invoices based on resources in a
.Base classCreates a base implementation for a Generic Integration Provider.Provides an interface and standard set of methods for creating custom analytics types within Morpheus.Provides capability to create custom approval policiesUsed for adding customized tabs to the Morpheus App Details ScreensThis provider provides a means to define custom layouts for rendering catalog item detail pages.Morpheus provides a way to generate monthly invoices based on resources in aCloud
.Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus.Provides a standard set of methods for interacting with cloud integrations or on-prem service providers.Adds support to aCloudProvider
for managing Affinity and anti-affinity groups.Represents a definition for aComputeServerGroupType
so that custom cluster types can be created.Renders tabs within a custom Cluster in Morpheus.Provides methods for interacting with provisioned vms related to power and resizingAllows the workload to be movedProvides computational logic for performing cost forecasting operations.Provides an interface for defining custom external Credential Stores.Provides a means to register a Cypher Secret Backend and CypherModule for registry on storing secrets or auto generating secret values that can be encrypted.DatasetProvider<T,V> Provides support for defining custom data sets with option lookup or typeahead dataRepresents a DatastoreType and how aStorageServer
interacts with various provisioners There are several Facets related to this particular storage provider that grant certain abilities and use cases.Provides an asynchronous event listener for subscribing to events that may pertain to a datastore integration.This facet is used to provide additional hooks for MVM/VME specific provisioning tasks for VME/HPE Hypervisor Clusters.This represents a disk configuration for a virtual machine for libvirt/virsh XML specification as a disk device This is used to allow the plugin to override any special configuration needed for the disk device Please refer to the libvirt documentation on block devices:Represents the type of device for the disk.This represents the libvirt disk mode for the disk device..Perform any operations necessary on the target to create a snapshot of a volume.This is a more refined Snapshot facet that is used for Compute Servers.Any plugin for Morpheus that provides DNS Related integration points should use this for implementing DNS Related Services used throughout the orchestration processAllows for the registration of a "Generic"AccountIntegrationType
.Applying this Facet to an integration will allow it to subscribe to events and perform operations based on the eventThis provider creates a means to render global components into the main layout of Morpheus.This provider allows the creation of custom recommendations that can be shown to the user via the "Guidance" section of Morpheus.Allows the workload to be executedProvides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus for host and vms directlyAllows the server to be resizedProvides methods for interacting Infrastructure as Code provisioning via Morpheus, e.g.Provides support for custom UI tabs when viewing Instance detailsProvides IP Address Management integration support for third party IPAM Vendors.Used to represent custom locales that may want to be registered within Morpheus.Provides a standard set of methods for interacting with networks.Some ProvisionProvider implementations may need to prepare something on the network server before the interface can be usable.Renders tabs for networks.All Providers implement the Plugin Extension.Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus.Provides a method to allow a provision provider to override the array list of disk device names.Provides methods for interacting with provisioned vms through a hypervisor consoleProvides methods for provisioning hypervisorsProvides methods for supporting Infrastructure as Code provisioningProvides methods for interacting with provisioned vms to manage associated snapshotsProvides an interface and standard set of methods for creating custom report types within Morpheus.Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus.Provides methods for provisioning AppsProvides a standard set of methods for interacting with auto scale integrationsProvides support for custom UI tabs when viewing Server details within the UI.Represents aStorageServerType
implementation for creating buckets, volumes and file shares.This Provider interface is used in combination withStorageProvider
to define aStorageServerType
that can create and delete object storage buckets.This Provider interface is used in combination withStorageProvider
to define aStorageServerType
that can create and delete file share storage buckets.This Provider interface is used in combination withStorageProvider
to define aStorageServerType
that can create and delete storage volumes.Provides a standard set of methods for interacting with cloud integrations or on-prem service providers.Base interface for any UI Tab related extensions.Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus for host and vms directlyProvides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus.Allows the workload to be resized