Class AbstractDatasetProvider<T,V>

Type Parameters:
T - The Model class type for this dataset - or just basic types for fixed lists
V - The "value" or identifier type on the map of option items - usually a long or a string
All Implemented Interfaces:
DatasetProvider<T,V>, PluginProvider

public abstract class AbstractDatasetProvider<T,V> extends Object implements DatasetProvider<T,V>
Base class
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractDatasetProvider

      public AbstractDatasetProvider()
  • Method Details

    • getMorpheus

      public MorpheusContext getMorpheus()
      Description copied from interface: PluginProvider
      Returns the Morpheus Context for interacting with data stored in the Main Morpheus Application
      Specified by:
      getMorpheus in interface PluginProvider
      an implementation of the MorpheusContext for running Future based rxJava queries
    • getPlugin

      public Plugin getPlugin()
      Description copied from interface: PluginProvider
      Returns the instance of the Plugin class that this provider is loaded from
      Specified by:
      getPlugin in interface PluginProvider
      Plugin class contains references to other providers
    • getInfo

      public DatasetInfo getInfo()
      Description copied from interface: DatasetProvider
      {DatasetInfo} about this provider
      Specified by:
      getInfo in interface DatasetProvider<T,V>
      a DatasetInfo object
    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      Description copied from interface: DatasetProvider
      The identifier used to access the dataset. For example, the optionSource name for an {OptionType} or identifier for a Dataset or Options API request.
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface DatasetProvider<T,V>
      the key identifier used to access the dataset
    • getNamespace

      public String getNamespace()
      Description copied from interface: DatasetProvider
      Datasets namespacing prevents key collision between datasets and provides a way to group similar or associated datasets. A null namespace is for the global namespace
      Specified by:
      getNamespace in interface DatasetProvider<T,V>
      the dataset namespace
    • getCode

      public String getCode()
      Description copied from interface: PluginProvider
      A unique shortcode used for referencing the provided provider. Make sure this is going to be unique as any data that is seeded or generated related to this provider will reference it by this code.
      Specified by:
      getCode in interface PluginProvider
      short code string that should be unique across all other plugin implementations.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: PluginProvider
      Provides the provider name for reference when adding to the Morpheus Orchestrator NOTE: This may be useful to set as an i18n key for UI reference and localization support.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface PluginProvider
      either an English name of a Provider or an i18n based key that can be scanned for in a properties file.