Class HttpApiClient.RequestOptions

Enclosing class:

public static class HttpApiClient.RequestOptions extends Object
Options for making an HTTP request.
  • Field Details

    • body

      public Object body
      The body of the request.
    • contentType

      public String contentType
      The content type of the request body.
    • headers

      public Map<CharSequence,CharSequence> headers
      The headers to include in the request.
    • queryParams

      public Map<CharSequence,CharSequence> queryParams
      The query parameters to include in the request.
    • suppressLog

      public Boolean suppressLog
      Suppress logging of the request and response.
    • ignoreSSL

      public Boolean ignoreSSL
      Ignore SSL certificate errors.
    • timeout

      public Integer timeout
      The connection timeout in milliseconds. Used when ignoreSSL is false.
    • connectionTimeout

      public Integer connectionTimeout
      The connection timeout in milliseconds.
    • readTimeout

      public Integer readTimeout
      The read timeout in milliseconds.
    • contentLength

      public Long contentLength
      The content length of the request body.
    • oauth

      Oauth options for signing the request.
    • apiToken

      public String apiToken
      The API token to include in the request.
    • httpClient

      public org.apache.http.client.HttpClient httpClient
      Override the client used for the request.
    • connectionManager

      public org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager connectionManager
      Override the connection manager used for the client.
    • targetUri

      public URI targetUri
      URI of the request.
    • clientCertKeyStore

      public KeyStore clientCertKeyStore
      KeyStore for client certificate
  • Constructor Details

    • RequestOptions

      public RequestOptions()