Class NetworkDomain

public class NetworkDomain extends NetworkDomainIdentityProjection
This is a Model Representation of a Network Domain. It contains information related to any DNS Cloud that may be synced via a DNS and/or IPAM provider.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • account

      protected Account account
    • owner

      protected Account owner
    • displayName

      protected String displayName
      The Display Name of the current Network Domain. This Display Name is typically not changed directly by an integration but can be if necessary. Primarily it is a user adjustable setting performed in the UI.
    • name

      protected String name
      The name of the current Network Domain. This is often synced in and represents the actual zone name
    • description

      protected String description
    • publicZone

      protected Boolean publicZone
    • refType

      protected String refType
    • refId

      protected Long refId
    • refSource

      protected String refSource
    • ouPath

      protected String ouPath
    • zoneType

      protected String zoneType
    • dnssec

      protected Boolean dnssec
    • fqdn

      public String fqdn
    • domainSerial

      protected String domainSerial
    • active

      protected Boolean active
    • reverseName

      protected String reverseName
    • reverseFqdn

      protected String reverseFqdn
    • reverseExternalId

      protected String reverseExternalId
    • regionCode

      protected String regionCode
    • configuration

      protected String configuration
    • internalId

      protected String internalId
    • domainUsername

      protected String domainUsername
    • domainPassword

      protected String domainPassword
    • guestUsername

      protected String guestUsername
    • guestPassword

      protected String guestPassword
  • Constructor Details

    • NetworkDomain

      public NetworkDomain()
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Gets the display name of the current Network Domain. Domains can have a display name for situations where the same Domain record exists multiple times but may target different OU Paths for example. This provides a way for the user to override a Domain Name and change its display for consumption.
      display name
    • setDisplayName

      public void setDisplayName(String displayName)
      Sets the Display Name of the current Network Domain. This Display Name is typically not changed directly by an integration but can be if necessary. Primarily it is a user adjustable setting performed in the UI.
      displayName - the Human readable display name to be presented to the user during provisioning. Should be left blank when syncing.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Gets the human readable description representation of the Domain Record in question. This may get synced in from a provider or often can be set directly by the user.
      a descriptive block of text providing the user with more information about the Domain.
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Sets the human-readable description text for a DNS Cloud. This can be useful for providing more details to the user as to what may belong in this cloud or where it may be geographically associated to.
      description - a descriptive block of text providing the user with more information about the Domain.
    • getPublicZone

      public Boolean getPublicZone()
      A flag to represent whether the authoritative cloud in question is a public or internal dns cloud.
      Boolean state of public cloud flag.
    • setPublicZone

      public void setPublicZone(Boolean publicZone)
      Sets the Public Cloud qualifier flag used for defining if the current Cloud is a public or internal DNS Cloud.
      publicZone - cloud
    • getRefType

      public String getRefType()
      A String form of the Model class name that this Domain Record is related to. Typically via most Integrations the value of this field should be 'AccountIntegration', however some scenarios exist where this may get synced or created via an alternative means (perhaps from a CloudProvider).
      String representation of Model that this record was associated with externally (typically 'AccountIntegration')
    • setRefType

      public void setRefType(String refType)
      Set the String form of the Model class name that this Domain Record is related to. Typically, via most Integrations the value of this field should be 'AccountIntegration', however some scenarios exist where this may get synced or created via an alternative means (perhaps from a CloudProvider). The refId is also required when using this field.
      refType - type
    • getRefId

      public Long getRefId()
      Gets the Reference Id correlating to the Model object as defined by the getRefType() method. In most cases this is the id property correlating to the AccountIntegration the Domain record is synced from.
      the database unique identifier corresponding to the related Model as defined by getRefType().
    • setRefId

      public void setRefId(Long refId)
      Sets the Reference Id correlating to the Model object as defined by the getRefType() method. In most cases this is the id property correlating to the AccountIntegration the Domain record is synced from.
      refId - the database unique identifier corresponding to the related Model as defined by getRefType().
    • getRefSource

      public String getRefSource()
      Represents the source of the Domain record. How it was created. Was it user created and later associated with the integration or was it created via a sync. This is useful during sync to determine if a record should be flagged for removal or not.
      reference source String (should be of value "integration" or value "user") to determine where it came from.
    • setRefSource

      public void setRefSource(String refSource)
      Sets the reference source property to mark where the Domain Record was created from. When creating during a sync operation via an IPAMProvider it is best to set this property to "integration".
      refSource - reference source String (should be of value "integration" or value "user") to determine where it came from.
    • getOuPath

      public String getOuPath()
      Gets the OUPath string for joining an OU in Active Directory. An OU Path is a path typically correlating to an organizational unit within Active Directory (Microsoft DNS Zones). In most cases this is set by the user unless the external DNS Provider supports synchronizing of OU Information.
      The String AD representation of an OU when joining a Domain.
    • setOuPath

      public void setOuPath(String ouPath)
      Sets the OUPath (Organizational Unit) of a Cloud that may be used for joining an Active Directory Windows Domain Controller. It is possible for multiple Cloud Records to exist with the same FQDN, but with a different OU Path qualifier.
      ouPath - The String AD representation of an OU when joining a Domain.
    • getZoneType

      public String getZoneType()
      Gets the string representation of the cloud type this Domain record correlates to. An example might be an "authoritative" cloud or a "forward" cloud.
      A string representation of the type of cloud this domain record correlates to.
    • setZoneType

      public void setZoneType(String zoneType)
      Typically set during sync, allows the sync services to represent the type of cloud record being synced. For example there are multiple types of zones when it comes to DNS such as (authoritative, forward, or even reverse).
      zoneType - A string representation of the type of cloud this domain record correlates to.
    • getDnssec

      public Boolean getDnssec()
      Gets the flag representing whether or not the Provider of this Domain Record provides DNSSec features. For more information please refer to the documentation provided by regarding DNSSec and what it stands for.
      Boolean representation indicating if the referred to cloud is providing DNSSec capabilities.
    • setDnssec

      public void setDnssec(Boolean dnssec)
      Sets the DNSSec flag. this is typically done via a DNSProvider sync operation. For more information please refer to the documentation provided by regarding DNSSec and what it stands for.
      dnssec - Boolean representation indicating if the referred to cloud is providing DNSSec capabilities.
    • getAccount

      public Account getAccount()
    • setAccount

      public void setAccount(Account account)
    • getOwner

      public Account getOwner()
    • setOwner

      public void setOwner(Account owner)
    • getDomainSerial

      public String getDomainSerial()
    • setDomainSerial

      public void setDomainSerial(String domainSerial)
    • getReverseName

      public String getReverseName()
    • setReverseName

      public void setReverseName(String reverseName)
    • getReverseFqdn

      public String getReverseFqdn()
    • setReverseFqdn

      public void setReverseFqdn(String reverseFqdn)
    • getReverseExternalId

      public String getReverseExternalId()
    • setReverseExternalId

      public void setReverseExternalId(String reverseExternalId)
    • getConfiguration

      public String getConfiguration()
    • setConfiguration

      public void setConfiguration(String configuration)
    • getDomainUsername

      public String getDomainUsername()
    • setDomainUsername

      public void setDomainUsername(String domainUsername)
    • getDomainPassword

      public String getDomainPassword()
    • setDomainPassword

      public void setDomainPassword(String domainPassword)
    • getGuestUsername

      public String getGuestUsername()
    • setGuestUsername

      public void setGuestUsername(String guestUsername)
    • getGuestPassword

      public String getGuestPassword()
    • setGuestPassword

      public void setGuestPassword(String guestPassword)
    • getInternalId

      public String getInternalId()
    • setInternalId

      public void setInternalId(String internalId)
    • getRegionCode

      public String getRegionCode()
    • setRegionCode

      public void setRegionCode(String regionCode)
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from class: NetworkDomainIdentityProjection
      Returns the name of the network domain.
      getName in class NetworkDomainIdentityProjection
      the name of the network domain.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Description copied from class: NetworkDomainIdentityProjection
      Sets the name of the network domain. In this class this should not be called directly
      setName in class NetworkDomainIdentityProjection
      name - the name to set on the object
    • getDcServer

      public String getDcServer()
    • setDcServer

      public void setDcServer(String dcServer)
    • getFqdn

      public String getFqdn()
    • setFqdn

      public void setFqdn(String fqdn)
    • getActive

      public Boolean getActive()
    • setActive

      public void setActive(Boolean active)