Class WorkloadResourceMappingResponse


public class WorkloadResourceMappingResponse extends Object
Results of running resolving the Iac resource mapping for a Workload
  • Field Details

    • success

      public Boolean success
      Indicates if the lookup and mapping was successful
    • publicIp

      public String publicIp
      The public ip address of the created server
    • privateIp

      public String privateIp
      The private ip address of the created server
    • installAgent

      public Boolean installAgent
      Indicates if the agent should be installed on the server by Morpheus. Setting this to false does not necessarily mean that the agent will not be installed as it may be installed via cloudinit.
    • noAgent

      public Boolean noAgent
      Agent will not be installed, don't wait for it
    • message

      public String message
      When an error occurs, set the error message here
  • Constructor Details

    • WorkloadResourceMappingResponse

      public WorkloadResourceMappingResponse()
  • Method Details

    • setError

      public void setError(String message)