Interface MorpheusOperationDataService

All Superinterfaces:
MorpheusDataQueryService<OperationData>, MorpheusDataService<OperationData,OperationData>, MorpheusIdentityService<OperationData>

public interface MorpheusOperationDataService extends MorpheusDataService<OperationData,OperationData>, MorpheusIdentityService<OperationData>
Provides query/accessor methods for the OperationData object. This is data that does not conform to standard Morpheus objects but may need to be used for custom UI display within an integration or for Guidance calculations. It is most often used with the rawData property that can be parsed and processed as needed. An example of its use would be in the aws plugin where reservation recommendations may need to be displayed on the costing tab. This information is very cloud specific and so it is stored here for custom display purposes.