Interface MorpheusDataService<M extends MorpheusModel,I extends MorpheusModel>

Type Parameters:
M - The MorpheusModel class type for this service to query against
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
MorpheusAccountCertificateService, MorpheusAccountCredentialService, MorpheusAccountCredentialTypeService, MorpheusAccountDiscoveryService, MorpheusAccountIntegrationService, MorpheusAccountInventoryService, MorpheusAccountInvoiceItemService, MorpheusAccountInvoiceService, MorpheusAccountPriceService, MorpheusAccountPriceSetService, MorpheusAccountResourceService, MorpheusAccountResourceTypeService, MorpheusApplianceService, MorpheusAppService, MorpheusBackupJobService, MorpheusBackupProviderService, MorpheusBackupProviderTypeService, MorpheusBackupRepositoryService, MorpheusBackupRestoreService, MorpheusBackupResultService, MorpheusBackupService, MorpheusBackupTypeService, MorpheusCloudFolderService, MorpheusCloudPoolService, MorpheusCloudRegionService, MorpheusCloudService, MorpheusCloudTypeService, MorpheusCodeRepositoryService, MorpheusCodeRepositoryTraitService, MorpheusComputePortService, MorpheusComputeServerAccessService, MorpheusComputeServerGroupService, MorpheusComputeServerInterfaceService, MorpheusComputeServerService, MorpheusComputeSiteService, MorpheusComputeTypeSetService, MorpheusContainerTypeService, MorpheusDashboardService, MorpheusDatastoreService, MorpheusEnvironmentVariableTypeService, MorpheusExecuteScheduleService, MorpheusExecuteScheduleTypeService, MorpheusInstanceScaleService, MorpheusInstanceScaleTypeService, MorpheusInstanceService, MorpheusInstanceThresholdService, MorpheusInstanceTypeLayoutService, MorpheusInstanceTypeLayoutService, MorpheusInstanceTypeService, MorpheusKeyPairService, MorpheusLoadBalancerInstanceService, MorpheusLoadBalancerMonitorService, MorpheusLoadBalancerNodeService, MorpheusLoadBalancerPolicyService, MorpheusLoadBalancerPoolService, MorpheusLoadBalancerProfileService, MorpheusLoadBalancerScriptService, MorpheusLoadBalancerService, MorpheusLoadBalancerTypeService, MorpheusMetadataTagService, MorpheusMetadataTagTypeService, MorpheusNetworkDomainRecordService, MorpheusNetworkDomainService, MorpheusNetworkPoolIpService, MorpheusNetworkPoolRangeService, MorpheusNetworkPoolService, MorpheusNetworkProxyService, MorpheusNetworkRouterService, MorpheusNetworkRouteService, MorpheusNetworkRouteTableService, MorpheusNetworkServerService, MorpheusNetworkService, MorpheusNetworkSubnetService, MorpheusNetworkTypeService, MorpheusOperationDataService, MorpheusOperationNotificationService, MorpheusOptionTypeService, MorpheusOsTypeService, MorpheusPermissionService, MorpheusPolicyService, MorpheusPolicyTypeService, MorpheusPricePlanPriceSetService, MorpheusPricePlanService, MorpheusProcessService, MorpheusReferenceDataService, MorpheusReplicationGroupService, MorpheusReplicationService, MorpheusReplicationSiteService, MorpheusReplicationTypeService, MorpheusResourcePermissionService, MorpheusResourceSpecService, MorpheusResourceSpecTemplateService, MorpheusSecurityGroupLocationService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleApplicationService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleDestinationService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleLocationService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleProfileService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleScopeService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleSourceService, MorpheusSecurityGroupService, MorpheusServicePlanPriceSetService, MorpheusServicePlanService, MorpheusSettingService, MorpheusSettingTypeService, MorpheusSnapshotService, MorpheusStorageBucketService, MorpheusStorageControllerService, MorpheusStorageControllerTypeService, MorpheusStorageServerService, MorpheusStorageVolumeService, MorpheusStorageVolumeTypeService, MorpheusTaskService, MorpheusTaskSetService, MorpheusUserService, MorpheusVirtualImageLocationService, MorpheusVirtualImageService, MorpheusVirtualImageTypeService, MorpheusWikiPageService, MorpheusWorkloadActionService, MorpheusWorkloadScriptService, MorpheusWorkloadScriptService, MorpheusWorkloadService, MorpheusWorkloadStateService, MorpheusWorkloadTemplateService, MorpheusWorkloadTemplateService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeConfigService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeLogService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeMountService, MorpheusWorkloadTypePortService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeSetService, MorpheusWorkspaceService

public interface MorpheusDataService<M extends MorpheusModel,I extends MorpheusModel> extends MorpheusDataQueryService<M>
This interface is a standard base service so all services provide consistent crud methods and finders. It features the ability to create dynamic queries using the DataQuery object. There are methods that can be implemented to provide both MorpheusModel related objects as well as Map objects for use in DatasetProvider use cases (dropdowns and type-ahead components in UI option types). An example interface that leverages this one is the MorpheusUserService


 public interface MorpheusUserService extends MorpheusDataService<User>, MorpheusIdentityService<UserIdentity> {

Often times this interface is used in conjunction with the MorpheusIdentityService for providing an efficient way to sync objects via the MorpheusIdentityService.listIdentityProjections(DataQuery) method. Another implementation also exists for synchronous non rxjava querying of the objects called the MorpheusSynchronousDataService. Typically, both should be implemented for use within the plugin api.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • create

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<M> create(M item)
      Persists a new model object into the Morpheus database. It is important to note that when persisting more than a single object of the same type, a batch create method also exists. This is useful in batch syncing for efficient operation.

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      item - the MorpheusModel object we want to persist into the database.
      a Single subscribable representation of the saved object including its new persisted id.
    • bulkCreate

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<BulkCreateResult<M>> bulkCreate(List<M> items)
      Persists a collection of new model objects in a batch to the Morpheus database. This is very useful for bulk sync operations. For optimal efficiency 50-100 objects at a time is best. More than this will throw a warning.

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      items - a collection of MorpheusModel objects we want to persist into the database. These are supposed to be non previously saved objects.
      a BulkCreateResult containing information on the items that were successfully persisted as well as the ones that failed.
    • create

      @Deprecated default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<Boolean> create(List<M> items)
      Persists a collection of new model objects in a batch to the Morpheus database. This is very useful for bulk sync operations. For optimal efficiency 50-100 objects at a time is best. More than this will throw a warning.

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      items - a collection of MorpheusModel objects we want to persist into the database. These are supposed to be non previously saved objects.
      a Boolean flag that is only true if all objects successfully saved
      See Also:
    • save

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<M> save(M item)
      Persists any changes to an existing MorpheusModel object. These objects should already have an Identifier property populated so that it can update it in the database (typically the id property).

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      item - the previously existing MorpheusModel object we want to persist into the database.
      a Single subscribable representation of the saved object.
    • bulkSave

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<BulkSaveResult<M>> bulkSave(List<M> items)
      Persists a collection of previously created model objects in a batch to the Morpheus database. This is very useful for bulk sync operations. For optimal efficiency 50-100 objects at a time is best. More than this will throw a warning.

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      items - a collection of previously created MorpheusModel objects we want to persist into the database.
      a BulkUpdateResult containing information on the items that were successfully persisted as well as the ones that failed.
    • save

      @Deprecated default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<Boolean> save(List<M> items)
      Persists a collection of previously created model objects in a batch to the Morpheus database. This is very useful for bulk sync operations. For optimal efficiency 50-100 objects at a time is best. More than this will throw a warning.

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      items - a collection of previously created MorpheusModel objects we want to persist into the database.
      a Boolean flag stating the full success or not of the save operation
      See Also:
    • remove

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<Boolean> remove(I item)
      Removes a persisted MorpheusModel object from the database.

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      item - the previously existing MorpheusModel object to be removed from the database.
      a single Boolean object that will confirm the success or failure of the removal
    • bulkRemove

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<BulkRemoveResult<I>> bulkRemove(List<I> items)
      Removes a collection of previously created model objects in a batch to the Morpheus database. This is very useful for bulk sync operations. For optimal efficiency 50-100 objects at a time is best. More than this will throw a warning.

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      items - a collection of previously created MorpheusModel objects we want to remove from the database.
      a BulkRemoveResult containing information on the items that were failed to be removed.
    • remove

      @Deprecated default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<Boolean> remove(List<I> items)
      Removes a collection of previously created model objects in a batch to the Morpheus database. This is very useful for bulk sync operations. For optimal efficiency 50-100 objects at a time is best. More than this will throw a warning.

      Note: this is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      items - a collection of previously created MorpheusModel objects we want to remove from the database.
      a Boolean flag containing if it was fully successful or not.
      See Also: