Interface MorpheusBackupService

All Superinterfaces:
MorpheusDataQueryService<Backup>, MorpheusDataService<Backup,BackupIdentityProjection>, MorpheusIdentityService<BackupIdentityProjection>

Context methods for interacting with Backups in Morpheus
  • Method Details

    • getType

      Returns the MorpheusBackupTypeContext used for performing updates/queries on BackupType related assets within Morpheus.
      An instance of the BackupTypeContext to be used for calls by various backup providers
    • getBackupJob

      MorpheusBackupJobService getBackupJob()
      Returns the BackupJobContext used for performing updates or queries on BackupJob related assets within Morpheus. Typically this would be called by a BackupProvider
      An instance of the Backup Job Context to be used for calls by various backup providers
    • getBackupResult

      MorpheusBackupResultService getBackupResult()
      Returns the BackupResultContext used for performing updates or queries on BackupResult related assets within Morpheus. Typically this would be called by a BackupProvider.
      An instance of the Backup Result Context to be used for calls by various backup providers
    • getBackupRestore

      MorpheusBackupRestoreService getBackupRestore()
      Returns the BackupRestoreContext used for performing updates or queries on BackupRestore related assets within Morpheus. Typically this would be called by a BackupProvider.
      An instance of the Backup Restore Context to be used for calls by various backup providers
    • getReplication

      MorpheusReplicationService getReplication()
      Returns the MorpheusReplicationContext used for performing updates/queries on Replication related assets within Morpheus.
      An instance of the MorpheusReplicationContext to be used for calls by various backup providers
    • listIdentityProjections

      @Deprecated(since="0.15.3", forRemoval=true) io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<BackupIdentityProjection> listIdentityProjections(BackupProvider backupProvider)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Lists all backup projection objects for a specified backup provider id. The projection is a subset of the properties on a full Backup object for sync matching.
      backupProvider - the AbstractBackupProvider identifier associated to the backups to be listed.
      an RxJava Observable stream of result projection objects.
    • listIdentityProjections

      @Deprecated(since="0.15.3", forRemoval=true) io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<BackupIdentityProjection> listIdentityProjections(Cloud cloud)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Lists all backup projection objects for a specified cloud. The projection is a subset of the properties on a full Backup object for sync matching.
      cloud - the Cloud identifier associated to the domains to be listed.
      an RxJava Observable stream of result projection objects.
    • listById

      @Deprecated(since="0.15.3", forRemoval=true) io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<Backup> listById(Collection<Long> ids)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Lists all Backup objects by a list of Identifiers. This is commonly used in sync / caching logic.
      ids - list of Backup ids to fetch.
      an RxJava Observable stream of Backup objects for subscription.
    • listByBackupJobIdAndActive

      @Deprecated(since="0.15.3", forRemoval=true) io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<Backup> listByBackupJobIdAndActive(Long backupJobId, Boolean active)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Lists all Backup objects by a specified BackupJob and active status.
      backupJobId - ID of a BackupJob
      active - filter the active or inactive state of the backup results
      an RxJava Observable stream of Backup objects for subscription.
    • listByAccountIdAndBackupJobIdAndActive

      @Deprecated(since="0.15.3", forRemoval=true) io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<Backup> listByAccountIdAndBackupJobIdAndActive(Long accountId, Long backupJobId, Boolean active)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Lists all Backup objects by a specified Account and BackupJob and active status.
      accountId - ID of an Account
      backupJobId - ID of a BackupJob
      active - filter the active or inactive state of the backup results
      an RxJava Observable stream of Backup objects for subscription.
    • executeBackup

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<Boolean> executeBackup(Long backupId)
      Initiates the execution of a backup Backup. Be mindful this is an RxJava implementation and must be subscribed to for any action to actually take place.
      backupId - the ID of the Backup to begin execution.
      the Single Observable containing the success or failure of the backup execution call
    • getBackupStorageBucket

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<StorageBucket> getBackupStorageBucket(AccountIdentity accountIdentity, Long backupId)
      Returns the StorageBucket associated with a Backup object. If the backup does not have an associated storage bucket, the default backup storage bucket will be returned.
      accountIdentity - the AccountIdentity object to use for the storage bucket lookup
      backupId - the ID of the Backup object to use for the storage bucket lookup
      the Single Observable containing the StorageBucket object for subscription
    • getBackupStorageBucket

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<StorageBucket> getBackupStorageBucket(AccountIdentity accountIdentity, Long backupId, Long storageProviderId)
      Returns the StorageBucket associated with a Backup object. If the backup does not have an associated storage bucket, the default backup storage bucket will be returned.
      accountIdentity - the AccountIdentity object to use for the storage bucket lookup
      backupId - the ID of the Backup object to use for the storage bucket lookup
      storageProviderId - the ID of the StorageProvider object to use for the storage bucket lookup
      the Single Observable containing the StorageBucket object for subscription
    • getBackupStorageProvider

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<com.bertramlabs.plugins.karman.StorageProvider> getBackupStorageProvider()
      Returns the StorageProvider for the default backup storage bucket.
      the Single Observable containing the StorageProvider object for subscription
    • getBackupStorageProvider

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<com.bertramlabs.plugins.karman.StorageProvider> getBackupStorageProvider(Long storageBucketId)
      Returns the StorageProvider for a specific storage bucket.
      storageBucketId - the ID of the StorageBucket object to use for the storage provider lookup
      the Single Observable containing the StorageProvider object for subscription
    • getBackupStorageProvider

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<com.bertramlabs.plugins.karman.StorageProvider> getBackupStorageProvider(Long storageBucketId, String basePath)
      Returns the StorageProvider for a specific storage bucket and base path.
      storageBucketId - the ID of the StorageBucket object to use for the storage provider lookup
      basePath - the base path to use for the storage provider
      the Single Observable containing the StorageProvider object for subscription