Interface MorpheusDataQueryService<M extends MorpheusModel>

Type Parameters:
M - The MorpheusModel class type for this service to query against
All Known Subinterfaces:
MorpheusAccountCertificateService, MorpheusAccountCredentialService, MorpheusAccountCredentialTypeService, MorpheusAccountDiscoveryService, MorpheusAccountIntegrationService, MorpheusAccountInventoryService, MorpheusAccountInventoryTypeService, MorpheusAccountInvoiceItemService, MorpheusAccountInvoiceService, MorpheusAccountPriceService, MorpheusAccountPriceSetService, MorpheusAccountResourceService, MorpheusAccountResourceTypeService, MorpheusApplianceService, MorpheusAppService, MorpheusBackupJobService, MorpheusBackupProviderService, MorpheusBackupProviderTypeService, MorpheusBackupRepositoryService, MorpheusBackupRestoreService, MorpheusBackupResultService, MorpheusBackupService, MorpheusBackupTypeService, MorpheusCloudFolderService, MorpheusCloudPoolService, MorpheusCloudRegionService, MorpheusCloudService, MorpheusCloudTypeService, MorpheusCodeRepositoryService, MorpheusCodeRepositoryTraitService, MorpheusCodeRepositoryTraitTypeService, MorpheusComputePortService, MorpheusComputeServerAccessService, MorpheusComputeServerInterfaceService, MorpheusComputeServerService, MorpheusComputeSiteService, MorpheusComputeTypeSetService, MorpheusContainerTypeService, MorpheusDashboardService, MorpheusDataService<M,I>, MorpheusDatastoreService, MorpheusEnvironmentVariableTypeService, MorpheusExecuteScheduleService, MorpheusExecuteScheduleTypeService, MorpheusInstanceScaleService, MorpheusInstanceScaleTypeService, MorpheusInstanceService, MorpheusInstanceThresholdService, MorpheusInstanceTypeLayoutService, MorpheusInstanceTypeLayoutService, MorpheusInstanceTypeService, MorpheusKeyPairService, MorpheusLoadBalancerInstanceService, MorpheusLoadBalancerMonitorService, MorpheusLoadBalancerNodeService, MorpheusLoadBalancerPolicyService, MorpheusLoadBalancerPoolService, MorpheusLoadBalancerProfileService, MorpheusLoadBalancerScriptService, MorpheusLoadBalancerService, MorpheusLoadBalancerTypeService, MorpheusMetadataTagService, MorpheusMetadataTagTypeService, MorpheusNetworkDomainRecordService, MorpheusNetworkDomainService, MorpheusNetworkPoolIpService, MorpheusNetworkPoolRangeService, MorpheusNetworkPoolService, MorpheusNetworkProxyService, MorpheusNetworkRouterService, MorpheusNetworkRouteService, MorpheusNetworkRouteTableService, MorpheusNetworkServerService, MorpheusNetworkService, MorpheusNetworkSubnetService, MorpheusNetworkTypeService, MorpheusOperationDataService, MorpheusOperationNotificationService, MorpheusOptionTypeService, MorpheusOsTypeService, MorpheusPermissionService, MorpheusPolicyService, MorpheusPolicyTypeService, MorpheusPricePlanPriceSetService, MorpheusPricePlanService, MorpheusProcessService, MorpheusReferenceDataService, MorpheusReplicationGroupService, MorpheusReplicationService, MorpheusReplicationSiteService, MorpheusReplicationTypeService, MorpheusResourcePermissionService, MorpheusResourceSpecService, MorpheusResourceSpecTemplateService, MorpheusSecurityGroupLocationService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleApplicationService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleDestinationService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleLocationService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleProfileService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleScopeService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleService, MorpheusSecurityGroupRuleSourceService, MorpheusSecurityGroupService, MorpheusServicePlanPriceSetService, MorpheusServicePlanService, MorpheusSettingService, MorpheusSettingTypeService, MorpheusSnapshotService, MorpheusStorageBucketService, MorpheusStorageControllerService, MorpheusStorageControllerTypeService, MorpheusStorageServerService, MorpheusStorageVolumeService, MorpheusStorageVolumeTypeService, MorpheusTaskService, MorpheusTaskSetService, MorpheusUserService, MorpheusVirtualImageLocationService, MorpheusVirtualImageService, MorpheusVirtualImageTypeService, MorpheusWikiPageService, MorpheusWorkloadActionService, MorpheusWorkloadScriptService, MorpheusWorkloadScriptService, MorpheusWorkloadService, MorpheusWorkloadStateService, MorpheusWorkloadTemplateService, MorpheusWorkloadTemplateService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeConfigService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeLogService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeMountService, MorpheusWorkloadTypePortService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeService, MorpheusWorkloadTypeSetService, MorpheusWorkspaceService, MorpheusWorkspaceTypeService

public interface MorpheusDataQueryService<M extends MorpheusModel>
This interface is a standard base service so all services provide consistent search methods and finders. It features the ability to create dynamic queries using the DataQuery object. There are methods that can be implemented to provide both MorpheusModel related objects as well as Map objects for use in DatasetProvider use cases (dropdowns and type-ahead components in UI option types).
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Performs a query operation based on the filters set in the DataQuery object passed and returns a simple total count of the results.
    default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Maybe<M>
    find(DataQuery query)
    Performs a query operation on the database returning the first result as a MorpheusModel object.
    get(Long id)
    Fetches a single MorpheusModel by its Identifier (id) field.
    Performs a list all operation on the database returning the results as MorpheusModel objects.
    list(DataQuery query)
    Performs a query operation on the database returning the results as MorpheusModel objects.
    Fetches a stream of MorpheusModel objects based on a collection of Identifiers (id).
    Performs a list all operation on the database returning the results as Map objects typically containing keys of (name,value) for use in dropdown or type-ahead components within the UI.
    Performs a query operation on the database returning the results as Map objects typically containing keys of (name,value) for use in dropdown or type-ahead components within the UI.
    Performs a query operation on the database just like list(DataQuery) with a query, but the result is no longer a stream of individual MorpheusModel.
  • Method Details

    • count

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<Long> count(DataQuery query)
      Performs a query operation based on the filters set in the DataQuery object passed and returns a simple total count of the results. This could be useful for paging.

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      Note: For more information on how to query please refer to the documentation for the DataQuery class.

      query - An instance of the DataQuery object used for filtering results. This should often include an account / user scope for security but does not always need to if being used for sync or multi-tenant reporting.
      a Single observable containing a Long value with the total count.
      See Also:
    • get

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Maybe<M> get(Long id)
      Fetches a single MorpheusModel by its Identifier (id) field. For more advanced single object fetches please refer to find(DataQuery).

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      Note: This method does not factor in any sort of access/security control and should not be used in areas where this is required.

      id - the database identifier to fetch an object by.
      a Maybe representation of a MorpheusModel depending on if the object was found or not.
    • listById

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<M> listById(List<Long> ids)
      Fetches a stream of MorpheusModel objects based on a collection of Identifiers (id). This is often used in conjunction with the MorpheusIdentityService.listIdentityProjections(DataQuery) and the SyncTask for efficiently only fetching batches of objects we want to perform update operations on.

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      Note: This method does not factor in any sort of access/security control and should not be used in areas where this is required.

      ids - a collection of Identifiers (ids) to fetch the objects by.
      an Observable stream of MorpheusModel objects based on the ids passed in
    • list

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<M> list()
      Performs a list all operation on the database returning the results as MorpheusModel objects.

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      an Observable stream of MorpheusModel objects based on the passed in query.
    • list

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<M> list(DataQuery query)
      Performs a query operation on the database returning the results as MorpheusModel objects. These queries can be scoped to an AccountIdentity or UserIdentity as well as various filters on arbitrary fields in the database.

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      Note: For more information on how to query please refer to the documentation for the DataQuery class.

      query - An instance of the DataQuery object used for filtering results. This should often include an account / user scope for security but does not always need to if being used for sync or multi-tenant reporting.
      an Observable stream of MorpheusModel objects based on the passed in query.
    • listOptions

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<Map> listOptions()
      Performs a list all operation on the database returning the results as Map objects typically containing keys of (name,value) for use in dropdown or type-ahead components within the UI. This would typically be paired with a DatasetProvider.

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      Note: For more information on how to query please refer to the documentation for the DataQuery class.

      an Observable stream of Map objects based on the passed in query containing name,value pairs.
    • listOptions

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<Map> listOptions(DataQuery query)
      Performs a query operation on the database returning the results as Map objects typically containing keys of (name,value) for use in dropdown or type-ahead components within the UI. This would typically be paired with a DatasetProvider. Queries can be scoped to an AccountIdentity or UserIdentity as well as various filters on arbitrary fields in the database.

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      Note: For more information on how to query please refer to the documentation for the DataQuery class.

      query - An instance of the DataQuery object used for filtering results. This should often include an account / user scope for security but does not always need to if being used for sync or multi-tenant reporting.
      an Observable stream of Map objects based on the passed in query containing name,value pairs.
    • find

      default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Maybe<M> find(DataQuery query)
      Performs a query operation on the database returning the first result as a MorpheusModel object. These queries can be scoped to an AccountIdentity or UserIdentity as well as various filters on arbitrary fields in the database.

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      Note: For more information on how to query please refer to the documentation for the DataQuery class.

      query - An instance of the DataQuery object used for filtering results. This should often include an account / user scope for security but does not always need to if being used for sync or multi-tenant reporting.
      a Maybe MorpheusModel object based on the passed in query.
    • search

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<DataQueryResult> search(DataQuery query)
      Performs a query operation on the database just like list(DataQuery) with a query, but the result is no longer a stream of individual MorpheusModel.

      Note: This is a reactive method and will not perform any operation until subscribed or blockingGet() is called on it.

      Note: For more information on how to query please refer to the documentation for the DataQuery class.

      query - An instance of the DataQuery object used for filtering results. This should often include an account / user scope for security but does not always need to if being used for sync or multi-tenant reporting.
      a Single DataQueryResult representing a collection of result objects along with the metadata about the result. This could be paging data for example.