Interface MorpheusNetworkServerService

All Superinterfaces:
MorpheusDataQueryService<NetworkServer>, MorpheusDataService<NetworkServer,NetworkServerIdentityProjection>, MorpheusIdentityService<NetworkServer>

Provides Morpheus services related to querying, saving, and removing NetworkServer type objects.
  • Method Details

    • listIdentityProjections

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<NetworkServer> listIdentityProjections(AccountIntegration accountIntegration)
      Lists all network server projection objects for a specified integration id. The projection is a subset of the properties on a full NetworkServer object for sync matching.
      accountIntegration - the AccountIntegration identifier associated to the servers to be listed.
      an RxJava Observable stream of result projection objects.
    • listIdentityProjections

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<NetworkServer> listIdentityProjections(Cloud cloud)
      Lists all network server projection objects for a specified cloud. The projection is a subset of the properties on a full NetworkServer object for sync matching.
      cloud - the Cloud identifier associated to the servers to be listed.
      an RxJava Observable stream of result projection objects.
    • listIdentityProjections

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<NetworkServer> listIdentityProjections(Long cloudId)
      Lists all network server projection objects for a specified cloud. The projection is a subset of the properties on a full NetworkServer object for sync matching.
      cloudId - the id of the Cloud associated to the servers to be listed.
      an RxJava Observable stream of result projection objects.
    • listIdentityProjections

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<NetworkServer> listIdentityProjections(Long cloudId, String typeCode)
      Lists all network server projection objects for a specified cloud by type code. The projection is a subset of the properties on a full NetworkServer object for sync matching.
      cloudId - the id of the Cloud associated to the servers to be listed.
      typeCode - the unique code of the NetworkServerType that this server may be scoped to.
      an RxJava Observable stream of result projection objects.