Interface MorpheusCloudPoolService

All Superinterfaces:
MorpheusDataQueryService<CloudPool>, MorpheusDataService<CloudPool,CloudPoolIdentity>, MorpheusIdentityService<CloudPoolIdentity>

public interface MorpheusCloudPoolService extends MorpheusDataService<CloudPool,CloudPoolIdentity>, MorpheusIdentityService<CloudPoolIdentity>
Context methods for syncing CloudPool in Morpheus

This service is accessible in the MorpheusContext via the following traversal path:

  • Method Details

    • listIdentityProjections

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<CloudPoolIdentity> listIdentityProjections(Long cloudId, String category, String regionCode)
      Get a list of CloudPool projections based on Cloud id
      cloudId - Cloud id
      category - filter by category
      Observable stream of sync projection
    • listSyncProjections

      @Deprecated io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<CloudPoolIdentity> listSyncProjections(Long cloudId, String category)
      Get a list of CloudPool projections based on Cloud id
      cloudId - Cloud id
      category - filter by category
      Observable stream of sync projection
    • listByCloudAndExternalIdIn

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<CloudPool> listByCloudAndExternalIdIn(Long cloudId, Collection<String> externalIds)
      Returns a list of all pools filtered by a cloud as well as a list of externalIds. This is useful for chunked syncs where a cloud can contain a LARGE amount of pools
      cloudId - the current id of the cloud we are filtering by
      externalIds - a list of external ids to fetch by within the cloud scope
      Observable stream of CloudPools filtered by cloud and a collection of externalIds
    • get

      io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Maybe<CloudPool> get(String poolId, Long accountId, Long siteId, Long zoneId)
      Returns a pool from a pool ID string (usually starts with pool- or poolGroup-) obtained from user inputs. In the case of a pool group ID a pool will be selected based on the group's selection mode
      poolId -
      accountId -
      siteId -
      zoneId -
      a cloud pool or null