Package com.morpheusdata.model
Class NetworkPool
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Provides a Model representation of a Network Pool typically provided or synced from an IPAM Provider. Some Providers
call these Subnets/Networks or IP Blocks. These should be synced via the relevant
A Pool typically has a list of host record associated with it and keeps track of reservations that have been made on the particular pool.- See Also:
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected String
protected String
protected String
protected String
protected Boolean
protected String
protected String
protected String
protected String
protected String
protected String
protected String
protected String
protected BigInteger
protected BigInteger
protected String
protected String
protected Boolean
protected String
protected String
protected String
Fields inherited from class com.morpheusdata.model.projection.NetworkPoolIdentityProjection
accountId, category, typeCode
Fields inherited from class com.morpheusdata.model.MorpheusModel
config, id
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(NetworkPoolRange range) getCidr()
Gets the CIDR Representation of the network Pool being synced.Gets the IPv6 CIDR Representation of the network Pool being synced.Gets the Configuration name this pool is associated with.Gets the display name of the current Network Pool.Gets the Primary DNS Domain for searching for relative hostnames within the network.Gets a list of ip addresses of nameservers that are assigned to the relevant Network Pool.Gets a list of DNS Search suffixes.Gets the external unique identifier.Gets the Gateway ip address related to the current Network Block.Gets the Host Prefix associated with this Pool.Gets the Proxy Url for the current Pool.Gets an optional alternative reference id field.Gets the Total number of ip addresses in the current block range based on the CIDR.Gets the Total Number of free ip addresses in the Block that can still be allocated.getName()
Gets the Human readable name of the Network Pool this record represents.Gets the subnet mask qualifier as defined by the IPAM Provider for the current pool.Gets the flag representing whether or not the current Network Pool is enabled or disabled.getRefId()
Get the unique qualification id for the polymorphic association to the relevant integration.Get the String form of the Model class name that this Pool Record is related to.void
(Long id) Sets the account ID of the network pool.void
Sets the CIDR Block representation of the Network Pool being synced.void
(String cidr) Sets the IPv6 CIDR Block representation of the Network Pool being synced.void
(String configuration) Sets the Configuration name this pool is associated with.void
(String description) void
(Boolean dhcpServer) void
(String displayName) Sets the display name of the current Network Pool.void
(String dnsDomain) Sets the Primary DNS Domain for searching for relative hostnames within the network.void
(String dnsSearchPath) void
(List<String> dnsServers) Sets a list of ip addresses of nameservers that are assigned to the relevant Network Pool.void
(List<String> dnsSuffixList) Sets a list of DNS Search suffixes.void
(String externalId) Sets the external unique identifer as it relates to the integration provider.void
(String gateway) Sets the Gateway ip address related to the current Network Block.void
(String hostPrefix) Sets the Host Prefix associated with this Pool.void
(String httpProxy) Sets the Proxy Url for the current Pool.void
(String internalId) Sets an alternative reference id that can be used by the relevantIPAMProvider
implementation for whatever purposes are needed during sync operations.void
(BigInteger ipCount) Sets the Total number of ip addresses in the current block range based on the CIDR.void
(BigInteger ipFreeCount) Sets the Total Number of free ip addresses in the Block that can still be allocated.void
Sets the human readable name of the network pool this record represents.void
(String netmask) Sets the subnet mask qualifier as defined by the IPAM Integration in question.void
(Long id) void
(Boolean poolEnabled) Sets the flag representing whether or not the current Network Pool is enabled or disabled.void
(Long id) void
Set the unique qualification id for the polymorphic association to the relevant integration.void
(String refType) Set the String form of the Model class name that this Pool Record is related to.void
(String subnetAddress) Methods inherited from class com.morpheusdata.model.projection.NetworkPoolIdentityProjection
getAccountId, getCategory, getTypeCode, setCategory, setTypeCode
Methods inherited from class com.morpheusdata.model.projection.MorpheusIdentityModel
Methods inherited from class com.morpheusdata.model.MorpheusModel
getConfig, getConfigMap, getConfigProperty, getDirtyProperties, getDirtyPropertyValues, getId, getProperties, isDirty, markClean, markDirty, markDirty, setConfig, setConfigMap, setConfigProperty, setId
Field Details
Constructor Details
public NetworkPool()
Method Details
Gets the Human readable name of the Network Pool this record represents. Some integrations represent this as the CIDR name if there is no available descriptive name provided. However, if there is the name should be provided via the sync services- Returns:
- a string representation of the human readable name of the current network pool.
Sets the human readable name of the network pool this record represents. Some integrations may set this value to the CIDR name if there is no such thing as a humane readable name to represent the current block.- Parameters:
- a String representation of the human readable name of the current network pool.
Gets the display name of the current Network Pool. Pools can have a display name for situations where the name of the pool is not easily consumable by its users.- Returns:
- the user friendly display name of the current Pool
Sets the display name of the current Network Pool. Pools can have a display name for situations where the name of the pool is not easily consumable by its users.- Parameters:
- String representing the user friendly name of the pool.
Gets an optional alternative reference id field. This use can vary from provider to provider and may be used for storing alternative ids of the same object or a correlating id of the pool as it relates to a Network it may belong to depending on theIPAMProvider
implementation.- Returns:
- an alternative identifier used for sync purposes dependent on implementation.
Sets an alternative reference id that can be used by the relevantIPAMProvider
implementation for whatever purposes are needed during sync operations.- Parameters:
- an alternative identifier used for sync purposes dependent on implementation.
Gets the external unique identifier. The externalId is available on most sync related Models and is the unique identifier used by the external integration of the correlating object. Whenever syncing something like a Domain record, the unique identifier provided by the third party vendor should be stored here for cross referencing during sync.- Overrides:
in classNetworkPoolIdentityProjection
- Returns:
- the external unique identifier representation of this pool from the external integration.
Sets the external unique identifer as it relates to the integration provider. Whenever syncing something like a Pool record, the unique identifier provided by the third party vendor should be stored here for cross referencing during sync.- Overrides:
in classNetworkPoolIdentityProjection
- Parameters:
- the external unique identifier representation of this cloud from the external integration.
Gets the Primary DNS Domain for searching for relative hostnames within the network. This information is normally on the network but is also on the Block if the releventIPAMProvider
syncs this data.- Returns:
- The Primary DNS Domain for this network
Sets the Primary DNS Domain for searching for relative hostnames within the network. This information is normally on the network but is also on the Block if the releventIPAMProvider
syncs this data.- Parameters:
- The Primary DNS Domain for this network
Gets the Host Prefix associated with this Pool.- Returns:
- a host prefix qualifier
Sets the Host Prefix associated with this Pool.- Parameters:
- a host prefix qualifier
Gets the Proxy Url for the current Pool. Some Network Pools have information corresponding to a proxy server that may exist on the network. This information is typically not used by Morpheus and configured elsewhere but it is otherwise synced into the Pool record for reference.- Returns:
- the Proxy URL for the specified Network Pool
Sets the Proxy Url for the current Pool. Some Network Pools have information corresponding to a proxy server that may exist on the network. This information is typically not used by Morpheus and configured elsewhere but it is otherwise synced into the Pool record for reference.- Parameters:
- the Proxy URL for the specified Network Pool
Gets a list of ip addresses of nameservers that are assigned to the relevant Network Pool. Typically this data is grabbed off of theNetwork
during IP Allocation but if that data has not been entered, it could be grabbed from the pool data- Returns:
- a List of ip addresses in priority order of nameservers.
Sets a list of ip addresses of nameservers that are assigned to the relevant Network Pool. Typically this data is grabbed off of theNetwork
during IP Allocation but if that data has not been entered, it could be grabbed from the pool data- Parameters:
- a List of ip addresses in priority order of nameservers.
Gets a list of DNS Search suffixes. SomeIPAMProvider
blocks provide network detail information. If that information is not defined on theNetwork
that the pool is used for within Morpheus, this information is utilized- Returns:
- a List of DNS Search Suffixes
Sets a list of DNS Search suffixes. SomeIPAMProvider
blocks provide network detail information. If that information is not defined on theNetwork
that the pool is used for within Morpheus, this information is utilized- Parameters:
- a List of DNS Search Suffixes
Gets the Gateway ip address related to the current Network Block. In most cases this information is unavailable and stored on theNetwork
object during IP Allocation. However, if that information has not been specified by the user, then this property will be checked to see if an available Gateway IP Address can be assigned to the Server being provisioned.- Returns:
- the gateway ip address of the current pool
Sets the Gateway ip address related to the current Network Block. In most cases this information is unavailable and stored on theNetwork
object during IP Allocation. However, if that information has not been specified by the user, then this property will be checked to see if an available Gateway IP Address can be assigned to the Server being provisioned.- Parameters:
- the gateway ip address of the current pool
Gets the subnet mask qualifier as defined by the IPAM Provider for the current pool. In most cases this data is not used by Morpheus but is typically provided simply for reference as most of the information is redundant to the Network that the pool is correlated to.- Returns:
- the subnet mask of the current Network Pool
Sets the subnet mask qualifier as defined by the IPAM Integration in question. In some cases , if this information does not exist on the correspondingNetwork
object during IP allocation, this information will be used if it is available.- Parameters:
- the subnet mask of the current Network Pool
Gets the Total number of ip addresses in the current block range based on the CIDR. This is not factoring in existing reservations.- Returns:
- numerical count of number of ip addresses available within the current block.
Sets the Total number of ip addresses in the current block range based on the CIDR. This is not factoring in existing reservations.- Parameters:
- numerical count of number of ip addresses available within the current block.
Gets the Total Number of free ip addresses in the Block that can still be allocated. SomeIPAMProvider
implementations set this directly based on information from the target API, and others have to calculate this based on synced IP records.- Returns:
- total number of free ip addresses that can be allocated on this Network Pool
Sets the Total Number of free ip addresses in the Block that can still be allocated. SomeIPAMProvider
implementations set this directly based on information from the target API, and others have to calculate this based on synced IP records.- Parameters:
- total number of free ip addresses that can be allocated on this Network Pool
Gets the flag representing whether or not the current Network Pool is enabled or disabled. Some IPAM Providers have the option to selectively disable pools for allocation. This flag informs Morpheus as to the status of those pools.- Returns:
- enabled state of the current pool
Sets the flag representing whether or not the current Network Pool is enabled or disabled. Some IPAM Providers have the option to selectively disable pools for allocation. This flag informs Morpheus as to the status of those pools.- Parameters:
- enabled state of the current pool
Get the String form of the Model class name that this Pool Record is related to. Typically via most Integrations the value of this field should be blank since its associated with a poolServer, however some scenarios exist where this may get synced or created via an alternative means (perhaps from a CloudProvider). In the event of this being synced by a cloud provider setting the refType to 'ComputeZone' and refId to correlate to the target cloud is recommended.- Returns:
- the Reference Type class name of the associated integration, typically NULL for this use case
Set the String form of the Model class name that this Pool Record is related to. Typically via most Integrations the value of this field should be blank since its associated with a poolServer, however some scenarios exist where this may get synced or created via an alternative means (perhaps from a CloudProvider). In the event of this being synced by a cloud provider setting the refType to 'ComputeZone' and refId to correlate to the target cloud is recommended.- Parameters:
- the Reference Type class name of the associated integration, typically NULL for this use case
Get the unique qualification id for the polymorphic association to the relevant integration. For most IPAM implementations a Pool Server is associated and this is not necessary, however some pool types are synced via a cloud provider and in that scenario a reference to the 'ComputeZone' is typically stored here- Returns:
- the reference id to the associated CloudProvider in the event this pool is synced from a CloudProvider.
Set the unique qualification id for the polymorphic association to the relevant integration. For most IPAM implementations a Pool Server is associated and this is not necessary, however some pool types are synced via a cloud provider and in that scenario a reference to the 'ComputeZone' is typically stored here- Parameters:
- the reference id to the associated CloudProvider in the event this pool is synced from a CloudProvider.
Gets the Configuration name this pool is associated with. Some IPAM Providers have a concept of scoping of Blocks and DNS. These are called Configurations. This is useful for isolating various departments of large enterprises. The Primary vendor that has the concept of Configuration scoping is Bluecat.- Returns:
- a String representation of the configuration name.
Sets the Configuration name this pool is associated with. Some IPAM Providers have a concept of scoping of Blocks and DNS. These are called Configurations. This is useful for isolating various departments of large enterprises. The Primary vendor that has the concept of Configuration scoping is Bluecat.- Parameters:
- a String representation of the configuration name.
Gets the CIDR Representation of the network Pool being synced. Typically this may look like a format. See CIDR Specifications for more information on how to properly form a CIDR Block.- Returns:
- the CIDR block represented by the current pool.
Sets the CIDR Block representation of the Network Pool being synced. Typically this may look like '' format. See CIDR Specifications for more information on how to properly form a CIDR Block.- Parameters:
- the CIDR block represented by the current pool.
Gets the IPv6 CIDR Representation of the network Pool being synced. Typically this may look like a '2001:db8::' format. See CIDR Specifications for more information on how to properly form a CIDR Block.- Returns:
- the IPv6 CIDR block represented by the current pool.
Sets the IPv6 CIDR Block representation of the Network Pool being synced. Typically this may look like '2001:db8::' format. See CIDR Specifications for more information on how to properly form a CIDR Block.- Parameters:
- the IPv6 CIDR block represented by the current pool.
Description copied from class:NetworkPoolIdentityProjection
Sets the account ID of the network pool. In this class this should not be called directly- Overrides:
in classNetworkPoolIdentityProjection
- Parameters:
- account ID of the current record