Class Network

public class Network extends NetworkIdentityProjection
Represents a Network that is typically provided via a CloudProvider. These are typically used during provisioning of compute or services. They also can be used to allow the user to specify network specific information such as Gateway information or network CIDR specifications. Networks can also be linked to NetworkPool or NetworkDomain objects which affect how various compute instances are orchestrated via Morpheus.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • cloud

      public Cloud cloud
    • cloudPool

      protected CloudPool cloudPool
    • type

      protected NetworkType type
    • networkType

      protected String networkType
    • displayName

      protected String displayName
    • interfaceName

      protected String interfaceName
    • bridgeName

      protected String bridgeName
    • bridgeInterface

      protected String bridgeInterface
    • description

      protected String description
    • internalId

      protected String internalId
    • uniqueId

      protected String uniqueId
    • providerId

      protected String providerId
    • scopeId

      protected String scopeId
    • externalType

      protected String externalType
    • refUrl

      protected String refUrl
    • refType

      protected String refType
    • refId

      protected Long refId
    • vlanId

      protected Integer vlanId
    • vxlanId

      protected Integer vxlanId
    • vswitchName

      protected String vswitchName
    • tenantName

      protected String tenantName
    • dhcpServer

      protected Boolean dhcpServer
    • hasFloatingIps

      protected Boolean hasFloatingIps
    • dhcpIp

      protected String dhcpIp
    • gateway

      protected String gateway
    • netmask

      protected String netmask
    • broadcast

      protected String broadcast
    • subnetAddress

      protected String subnetAddress
    • dnsPrimary

      protected String dnsPrimary
    • dnsSecondary

      protected String dnsSecondary
    • cidr

      protected String cidr
    • tftpServer

      protected String tftpServer
    • bootFile

      protected String bootFile
    • switchId

      protected String switchId
    • fabricId

      protected String fabricId
    • networkRole

      protected String networkRole
    • status

      protected String status
    • statusMessage

      protected String statusMessage
    • availabilityZone

      protected String availabilityZone
    • pool

      protected NetworkPool pool
    • networkProxy

      protected NetworkProxy networkProxy
    • networkDomain

      protected NetworkDomain networkDomain
    • prefixLength

      protected Integer prefixLength
    • active

      protected Boolean active
    • defaultNetwork

      protected Boolean defaultNetwork
    • assignPublicIp

      protected Boolean assignPublicIp
    • networkServer

      public NetworkServer networkServer
    • owner

      protected Account owner
    • category

      protected String category
    • code

      protected String code
    • regionCode

      protected String regionCode
    • cidrMask

      protected Integer cidrMask
    • parentNetwork

      protected NetworkIdentityProjection parentNetwork
    • assignedZonePools

      protected List<CloudPool> assignedZonePools
  • Constructor Details

    • Network

      public Network()
  • Method Details

    • setCloudId

      public void setCloudId(Long id)
    • getCloudPool

      public CloudPool getCloudPool()
    • setCloudPool

      public void setCloudPool(CloudPool cloudPool)
    • getType

      public NetworkType getType()
    • setType

      public void setType(NetworkType type)
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
    • setDisplayName

      public void setDisplayName(String displayName)
    • getInterfaceName

      public String getInterfaceName()
    • setInterfaceName

      public void setInterfaceName(String interfaceName)
    • getBridgeName

      public String getBridgeName()
    • setBridgeName

      public void setBridgeName(String bridgeName)
    • getBridgeInterface

      public String getBridgeInterface()
    • setBridgeInterface

      public void setBridgeInterface(String bridgeInterface)
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
    • getInternalId

      public String getInternalId()
    • setInternalId

      public void setInternalId(String internalId)
    • getUniqueId

      public String getUniqueId()
    • setUniqueId

      public void setUniqueId(String uniqueId)
    • getProviderId

      public String getProviderId()
    • setProviderId

      public void setProviderId(String providerId)
    • getScopeId

      public String getScopeId()
    • setScopeId

      public void setScopeId(String scopeId)
    • getExternalType

      public String getExternalType()
    • setExternalType

      public void setExternalType(String externalType)
    • getRefUrl

      public String getRefUrl()
    • setRefUrl

      public void setRefUrl(String refUrl)
    • getRefType

      public String getRefType()
    • setRefType

      public void setRefType(String refType)
    • getRefId

      public Long getRefId()
    • setRefId

      public void setRefId(Long refId)
    • getVlanId

      public Integer getVlanId()
    • setVlanId

      public void setVlanId(Integer vlanId)
    • getVxlanId

      public Integer getVxlanId()
    • setVxlanId

      public void setVxlanId(Integer vxlanId)
    • getVswitchName

      public String getVswitchName()
    • setVswitchName

      public void setVswitchName(String vswitchName)
    • getTenantName

      public String getTenantName()
    • setTenantName

      public void setTenantName(String tenantName)
    • getDhcpServer

      public Boolean getDhcpServer()
    • setDhcpServer

      public void setDhcpServer(Boolean dhcpServer)
    • getDhcpIp

      public String getDhcpIp()
    • setDhcpIp

      public void setDhcpIp(String dhcpIp)
    • getGateway

      public String getGateway()
    • setGateway

      public void setGateway(String gateway)
    • getNetmask

      public String getNetmask()
    • setNetmask

      public void setNetmask(String netmask)
    • getBroadcast

      public String getBroadcast()
    • setBroadcast

      public void setBroadcast(String broadcast)
    • getSubnetAddress

      public String getSubnetAddress()
    • setSubnetAddress

      public void setSubnetAddress(String subnetAddress)
    • getDnsPrimary

      public String getDnsPrimary()
    • setDnsPrimary

      public void setDnsPrimary(String dnsPrimary)
    • getDnsSecondary

      public String getDnsSecondary()
    • setDnsSecondary

      public void setDnsSecondary(String dnsSecondary)
    • getCidr

      public String getCidr()
    • setCidr

      public void setCidr(String cidr)
    • getTftpServer

      public String getTftpServer()
    • setTftpServer

      public void setTftpServer(String tftpServer)
    • getBootFile

      public String getBootFile()
    • setBootFile

      public void setBootFile(String bootFile)
    • getSwitchId

      public String getSwitchId()
    • setSwitchId

      public void setSwitchId(String switchId)
    • getFabricId

      public String getFabricId()
    • setFabricId

      public void setFabricId(String fabricId)
    • getNetworkRole

      public String getNetworkRole()
    • setNetworkRole

      public void setNetworkRole(String networkRole)
    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(String status)
    • getStatusMessage

      public String getStatusMessage()
    • setStatusMessage

      public void setStatusMessage(String statusMessage)
    • getAvailabilityZone

      public String getAvailabilityZone()
    • setAvailabilityZone

      public void setAvailabilityZone(String availabilityZone)
    • getPool

      public NetworkPool getPool()
    • setPool

      public void setPool(NetworkPool pool)
    • getNetworkProxy

      public NetworkProxy getNetworkProxy()
    • setNetworkProxy

      public void setNetworkProxy(NetworkProxy networkProxy)
    • getNetworkDomain

      public NetworkDomain getNetworkDomain()
    • setNetworkDomain

      public void setNetworkDomain(NetworkDomain networkDomain)
    • getPrefixLength

      public Integer getPrefixLength()
    • setPrefixLength

      public void setPrefixLength(Integer prefixLength)
    • getActive

      public Boolean getActive()
    • setActive

      public void setActive(Boolean active)
    • getDefaultNetwork

      public Boolean getDefaultNetwork()
    • setDefaultNetwork

      public void setDefaultNetwork(Boolean defaultNetwork)
    • getAssignPublicIp

      public Boolean getAssignPublicIp()
    • setAssignPublicIp

      public void setAssignPublicIp(Boolean assignPublicIp)
    • getAssignedZonePools

      public List<CloudPool> getAssignedZonePools()
    • setAssignedZonePools

      public void setAssignedZonePools(List<CloudPool> assignedZonePools)
    • getParentNetwork

      public NetworkIdentityProjection getParentNetwork()
    • setParentNetwork

      public void setParentNetwork(NetworkIdentityProjection parentNetwork)
    • getNetworkType

      public String getNetworkType()
    • setNetworkType

      public void setNetworkType(String networkType)
    • getHasFloatingIps

      public Boolean getHasFloatingIps()
    • setHasFloatingIps

      public void setHasFloatingIps(Boolean hasFloatingIps)
    • getOwner

      public Account getOwner()
    • setOwner

      public void setOwner(Account owner)
    • getCategory

      public String getCategory()
    • setCategory

      public void setCategory(String category)
    • getCode

      public String getCode()
    • setCode

      public void setCode(String code)
    • getRegionCode

      public String getRegionCode()
    • setRegionCode

      public void setRegionCode(String regionCode)
    • getCidrMask

      public Integer getCidrMask()
    • setCidrMask

      public void setCidrMask(Integer cidrMask)