All Classes and Interfaces

Provides an abstract interface and standard set of methods for creating custom analytic types within Morpheus.
The Abstract representation for rendering a Tab for an App detail view.
Provides a standard set of methods for a BackupProvider.
Provides a standard set of methods for a BackupProvider.
Default implementation of the CatalogItemLayoutProvider for rendering custom views of catalog item types within Morpheus This abstract defaults to using the HandlebarsRenderer and register some helpful helpers for dealing with catalog item types
Morpheus provides a way to generate monthly invoices based on resources in a Cloud.
Renders tabs within a custom Cluster in Morpheus.
The Abstract representation for defining and rendering a dashboard item.
The Abstract representation for rendering a dashboard.
Base class
Creates a base implementation for a Generic Integration Provider.
Default implementation of InstanceTabProvider with a HandlebarsRenderer and custom `asset` helper tag
Renders tabs for networks.
Provides an abstract interface and standard set of methods for creating custom report types within Morpheus.
Default implementation of ServerTabProvider with a HandlebarsRenderer and custom `asset` helper tag
Provides helper methods to build task configurations.
Represents the Tenant within Morpheus.
References a certificate stores in the morpheus environment.
Provides a subset of properties from the AccountCertificate object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Represents a type of AccountCertificate.
Reference to a Remotely stored Credential.
Represents the type of an AccountCredential.
Provides an interface for account so identity checks dont' require full marshalling
Represents ansible inventory files.
Represents ansible inventory files.
Represents the type for inventory files
Provides a subset of properties from the AccountPrice object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the AccountPriceSet object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the AccountPriceSetPrice object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides an interface and standard set of methods for creating custom analytics types within Morpheus.
Api Parameters for some finders in the Context Services.
Provides a subset of properties from the ApplianceInstance comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Results of running a App
Provides capability to create custom approval policies
Used for adding customized tabs to the Morpheus App Details Screens
Provides an interface for defining a backup execution provider.
Response from the execution of the backup containing relevant information on the results of the backup output.
Provides a subset of properties from the Backup object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a standard set of methods for Backup Job Providers.
This is the main entrypoint for registering a backup provider.
Provides a standard set of methods for Backup Restore Providers.
Response from the execution of the backup restore containing relevant information on the results of the restore process.
replace by enums in BackupResult and BackupRestore
Provider associated with a specific BackupType.
A serializable representation of the results of bulk creating Model objects for persistence
A serializable representation of the results of bulk remove Model objects for persistence
A serializable representation of the results of bulk updating Model objects for persistence
This provider provides a means to define custom layouts for rendering catalog item detail pages.
Represents a Morpheus Service Catalog Item Type.
A URLClassLoader which searches in its own classloader context before delegating it to the parent classloader.
Integrations or connections to public, private, hybrid clouds, or bare metal servers
Morpheus provides a way to generate monthly invoices based on resources in a Cloud.
The Cloud Cost Response containing summary data when loading CloudCost via the MorpheusAccountInvoiceService
Provides a subset of properties from the ComputeZoneFolder object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus.
This model represents logical groupings/separations within a cloud for virtualization management for example Vmware Clusters/Resource Pools, or AWS VPCs, Azure Resource Groups, OpenStack Projects
Provides a subset of properties from the CloudPool object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a standard set of methods for interacting with cloud integrations or on-prem service providers.
A model representing a region in a cloud.
This provides a way to query a list of regions and sync those regions for particular Cloud objects.
A model class representing a cloud integration type (vmware, amazon, oracle, etc)
Represents a definition for a ComputeServerGroupType so that custom cluster types can be created.
Renders tabs within a custom Cluster in Morpheus.
The contents of a code repository
Representation of a Morpheus ComputeCapacity database object within the Morpheus platform.
Represents ports available on ComputeServers within a Cloud.
Provides methods for interacting with provisioned vms related to power and resizing
Allows the workload to be moved
Representation of a Morpheus ComputeServer database object within the Morpheus platform.
Store credentials for accessing a server.
Provides a subset of properties from the ComputeServer object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Network interface of a ComputeServer
Representation of a Morpheus ComputeServerType database object within the Morpheus platform.
Representation of the compute system metrics for a Morpheus ComputeServer object.
Utility methods for compute operations.
replaced by CloudFolder since 0.15.3
replaced by CloudFolderIdentity since 0.15.3
replaced by CloudPool for better naming in 0.15.3
replaced by CloudPoolIdentity
this has been replaced by CloudRegion
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
replaced by CloudRegionIdentity in 0.15.3
This class provides a few static utility methods for verify reachability to target apis/hosts that may be used by third party provider implementations.
Use Workload instead
Add allowed sources to the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header.
Provides computational logic for performing cost forecasting operations.
Used to provide cost history data for the forecast provider
Provides an interface for defining custom external Credential Stores.
Custom Locale Class for providing custom locale settings to the Morpheus UI.
A class to hold the various properties required when accessing MorpheusCypherService
Provides a means to register a Cypher Secret Backend and CypherModule for registry on storing secrets or auto generating secret values that can be encrypted.
Provides an interface and standard set of methods for creating custom dashboard item types
Provides an interface and standard set of methods for creating custom dashboards
Creates a nested collection of operators that need to be checked in the DataQuery via an AND join operation.
A filter representation when building complex filters for DataQuery within a MorpheusDataService.
Creates a nested collection of operators that need to be checked in the DataQuery via an OR join operation.
This is the query object to use to query data from a MorpheusDataService.
Represents a sort order direction for query results.
This is the query object to use to query data from a MorpheusDataService requires the user that is requesting data optionally pass a phrase as a search query and a map of filters
information about a dataset
Provides support for defining custom data sets with option lookup or typeahead data
This is the an extension of the DataQuery to use to list data from a DatasetProvider
Provides a subset of properties from the Datastore object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
replaced by DatastoreIdentity since 0.15.3 for naming improvements
The Default backup job provider which delegates the backup operations back to morpheus.
Dispatcher provides a way for a plugin to handle routes from morpheus-ui to a plugin.
Any plugin for Morpheus that provides DNS Related integration points should use this for implementing DNS Related Services used throughout the orchestration process
Based on CompositeTemplateLoader Provides a way to delegate template lookups to all registered plugins
Provides a common execution interface for building task types to use in the Morpheus Task workflow engine.
Allows for the registration of a "Generic" AccountIntegrationType.
This provider creates a means to render global components into the main layout of Morpheus.
This provider allows the creation of custom recommendations that can be shown to the user via the "Guidance" section of Morpheus.
Allows the workload to be executed
A Template Loader for handlebars that sets some defaults and uses an injected classloader Default prefix "hbs/" Default suffix ".hbs"
HandlebarsRenderer implements the Renderer interface.
Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus for host and vms directly
Allows the server to be resized
A response object that is passed back to morpheus-ui to render html.
Utility methods for calling external APIs in a standardized way.
Options for making an HTTP request.
Oauth options for signing the request.
Provides methods for interacting Infrastructure as Code provisioning via Morpheus, e.g.
Stores path information related to logos/icons in use when using different Providers as Integrations of certain types.
Virtual Image constants
Provides a subset of properties from the Instance object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Results of running resolving the Iac resource mapping for a Workload
Provides support for custom UI tabs when viewing Instance details
Provides a subset of properties from the InstanceType object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Common Interval definition for dealing with cost models and cost data Morpheus only buckets into monthly, quarterly, and yearly intervals.
Provides IP Address Management integration support for third party IPAM Vendors.
A response object that is passed back to morpheus-ui to render json and response.
Key pairs are commonly used by Morpheus for accessing instances via SSH.
Provides a subset of properties from the KeyPair object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
This is an implementation of the Least Squares Cost Forecasting Method It is a simple linear regression model that uses the least squares method to fit a line to the data and then uses that line to forecast future costs.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkLoadBalancerInstance object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkLoadBalancerMonitor object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkLoadBalancerNode object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkLoadBalancerPolicy object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkLoadBalancerPool object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkLoadBalancerProfile object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a standard set of methods for interacting with load balancer integrations.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkLoadBalancerRule object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkLoadBalancerScript object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Used to represent custom locales that may want to be registered within Morpheus.
Provides a Model representation of a MetadataTag.
Provides a subset of properties from the MetadataTag object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a Model representation of a MetadataTagType.
Provides a subset of properties from the MetadataTagType object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Morpheus context methods for AccountCertificate operations
Context methods for AccountCredential
Context methods for AccountCredentialType
Context methods for managing account integrations
Provides operation methods for interacting with AccountInventory objects.
Context methods for inventory types
Provides access to querying line items on an invoice.
Provides accessor methods for fetching invoice/costing data from the Morpheus Database.
Context methods for syncing AccountPrices in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing AccountPriceSets in Morpheus
Provides service/context methods for querying AccountResource objects for use with syncing generic cloud resources.
Context methods for dealing with AccountResourceType in Morpheus
This service provides access to other sub data services for accessing administration related objects such as User or Account.
Context methods for dealing with App in Morpheus
Context methods for interacting with BackupJob in Morpheus.
Context methods for interacting with BackupProvider in Morpheus.
Context methods for interacting with BackupProviderType in Morpheus
Context methods for interacting with BackupRepository in Morpheus.
Context methods for interacting with BackupRestores in Morpheus
Context methods for interacting with BackupResults in Morpheus
Context methods for interacting with Backups in Morpheus
Context methods for interacting with BackupTypes in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing CloudFolder in Morpheus.
Context methods for syncing CloudPool in Morpheus
Provides service/context methods for querying CloudRegion objects for use with syncing a clouds regions These regions are useful for all region based clouds as well when needing to iterate over regions to sync items.
Morpheus Context as it relates to cloud operations.
Morpheus Context as it relates to cloud operations.
Context methods for managing code repositories
Context methods for managing code repository traits
Context methods for managing code repository trait types
Context methods for syncing ComputePorts in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with ComputeServerAccess in Morpheus
This Context deals with interactions related to ComputeServerInterface objects.
Context methods for syncing ComputeServer in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with ComputeSite in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing ComputeTypeSet in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing ContainerType in Morpheus
Provides a means to interact or query data from the main Morpheus application back into the various provider extensions It is important to note that most methods in the context are asynchronous and rely on RxJava based interfaces to present the ability for the implementation of the MorpheusContext to be disconnected from the core application.
Provides access to services related to Costing data and Invoice Data
This Context deals with interactions related to cyphers.
This interface is a standard base service so all services provide consistent search methods and finders.
This interface is a standard base service so all services provide consistent crud methods and finders.
Context methods for syncing Datastore in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing EnvironmentVariableType in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with ExecuteScheduleType in Morpheus
Base class for identity projection Morpheus Model classes.
Provides an interface usually used in conjunction with MorpheusDataService to list identity projection models which are simplified models that contain just a few properties for efficient matching in a sync scenario.
Context methods for dealing with InstanceScale in Morpheus
Context methods for InstanceScaleType in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with Instance in Morpheus
Context methods for InstanceThreshold
Context methods for syncing InstanceTypeLayout in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with InstanceTypeLayout in Morpheus
Context methods for accessing InstanceType in Morpheus
Holds context methods for interacting with common integration type operations.
Context methods for InstanceScaleType in Morpheus
Interface for interacting with the morpheus backend database in regards to load balancer health monitor domain objects
Interface for interacting with the morpheus backend database in regards to load balancer node domain objects
Morpheus context as it relates to load balancer operations.
Morpheus context as it relates to load balancer operations.
Context methods for syncing MetadataTags in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing MetadataTagTypes in Morpheus
Base class for all Morpheus Model classes.
This Context deals with interactions related to NetworkDomainRecord objects.
This Context deals with interactions related to NetworkDomain objects.
This Context deals with interactions related to NetworkPoolIp objects.
This Context deals with interactions related to NetworkPool objects.
This Context contains interactions related to NetworkProxy objects.
Provides Morpheus services related to querying, saving, and removing NetworkRouter type objects.
This Context deals with interactions related to NetworkRoute objects.
Provides Morpheus services related to querying, saving, and removing NetworkServer type objects.
Morpheus Context as it relates to network related operations.
Morpheus Context as it relates to network subnets related operations.
This Context deals with interactions related to NetworkType objects.
Provides query/accessor methods for the OperationData object.
Context methods for syncing OperationNotifications in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing OptionType in Morpheus
This service deals with interactions as it relates to Policies.
This Context deals with interactions related to PolicyType objects.
Context methods for syncing PricePlanPriceSet in Morpheus
The service to inform Morpheus of long-running processes.
The Report Context Provides callbacks for Morpheus Custom Report Type Generation.
Context methods for dealing with ResourceSpec in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing ResourceSpecTemplate in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroupLocations in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroupRuleApplications in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroupRuleApplications in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroupRuleLocations in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroupRuleApplications in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroupRuleApplications in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroupRules in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroupRuleApplications in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing SecurityGroups in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing ServicePlanPriceSet in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing ServicePlan in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing Snapshots in Morpheus
Context methods for simulating performance stats on servers
Context methods for dealing with StorageBucket in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing StorageControllers in Morpheus
Context methods for StorageControllerTypes in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with StorageServer in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing StorageVolumes in Morpheus
Context methods for StorageVolumeTypes in Morpheus
Holds the synchronous context methods for interacting with common integration type operations.
Synchronous context methods for interacting with BackupRepository in Morpheus.
This interface is a standard base synchronous service so all services provide consistent crud methods and finders.
Holds context methods for interacting with common integration type operations.
Holds context methods for interacting with common integration type operations.
Context methods for managing task sets
Context methods for controlling usage records for ComputeServers, Instances, etc in Morpheus
Provides data service access to user objects.
Context methods for syncing VirtualImageLocations in Morpheus.
Context methods for syncing VirtualImages in Morpheus
Provides accessor methods for some common servlet Request attributes.
Context methods for syncing Wiki Pages in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing WorkloadAction in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing WorkloadScript in Morpheus
Context methods for managing workload scripts
Context methods for syncing Workload in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with WorkloadState in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing WorkloadTemplate in Morpheus
Context methods for managing workload templates
Context methods for syncing WorkloadTypeConfig in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing WorkloadTypeLog in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing WorkloadTypeMount in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing WorkloadTypePort in Morpheus
Context methods for syncing WorkloadType in Morpheus
Context methods for dealing with WorkloadTypeSet in Morpheus
Context methods for managing workspaces
Context methods for managing workspace types
Represents a Network that is typically provided via a CloudProvider.
Represents the base class of all Network Attachable classes.
Light-weight representation of network configuration for provisioning
This is a Model Representation of a Network Domain.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkDomain object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkDomainRecord object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the Network object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a Model representation of a Network Pool typically provided or synced from an IPAM Provider.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkPool object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
An IP Address / Host Record within a NetworkPool typically used with IPAM Services.
Represents the available IP Type Options Morpheus Understands.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkPoolIp object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Represents an instance of an IPAM integration server.
Each implementation of IPAM Typically define a pool type for human readable reference.
Provides a standard set of methods for interacting with networks.
Proxies can be associated with networks for assignment during provisioning or for use when interacting with various public cloud APIS (called provisioning proxies).
Represents a NetworkSubnet that is typically provided via a CloudProvider.
Provides a subset of properties from the NetworkSubnet object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Some clouds have various subnet types as well as network types.
Renders tabs for networks.
There are several different types of networks that can be created across various cloud providers.
Utility methods for Network operations.
Operation Data can be used to store single record raw data dumps from various providers for use in custom display OR custom guidance.
Represents a Notification Record often displayed in the Alarm Notification area of Morpheus These can be created by alarm events that can be synced from some cloud types like AWS CloudWatch or Vmware
Provides a subset of properties from the OperationNotification object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
A Model representation of an input / option that is represented either in a UI or CLI.
Provides a Model representation of a MetadataTagType.
Describes an Operating System at a high level
A model for defining custom access permissions
Platform constants
This is the base class for all Plugins that are instantiated within the Morpheus Environment.
Plugin Controllers must implement this interface and define a list of Routes they handle.
This is the base implementation of a Plugin Manager responsible for loading all plugins on the Morpheus classpath into memory.
All Providers implement the Plugin Extension.
Represents a Policy from the PolicyService that affects governance within Morpheus.
A Policy Type is usually used in a reference to Policy.
Provides a means to set predefined tiers on memory, storage, cores, and cpu.
Provides a subset of properties from the ServicePlan object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the PricePlanPriceSet object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
A Price Plan Type is usually used in a reference to PricePlan.
Provides methods for fetching and creating required servers for instance provisioning.
Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus.
Provides a method to allow a provision provider to override the array list of disk device names.
Provides methods for interacting with provisioned vms through a hypervisor console
Provides methods for provisioning hypervisors
Provides methods for supporting Infrastructure as Code provisioning
Provides methods for interacting with provisioned vms to manage associated snapshots
Results of running a Workload
Proxy configuration to be used
Created by davidestes on 4/11/16.
Created by davidestes on 4/11/16.
Provides a subset of properties from the ReferenceData object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Renderer is an interface that can render templates and lookup templates from multiple class loaders.
Provides a subset of properties from the ReplicationGroup object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the Replication object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the ReplicationSite object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the ReplicationType object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides an interface and standard set of methods for creating custom report types within Morpheus.
Represents a report result.
Represents a single data entry in a generated report result.
Communicate back to Morpheus the response from your ITSM solution
A model for defining custom resource access permissions
Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus.
Provides methods for provisioning Apps
Templatized resource specs to define resources.
Provides a subset of properties from the ResourceSpecTemplate object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a means to set predefined tiers on memory, storage, cores, and cpu.
A Route is a definition of how to handle incoming requests with a plugin controller.
Provides a standard set of methods for interacting with auto scale integrations
Represents a SecurityGroup for a specific location (usually a Cloud as referenced by the refId and refType).
SecurityGroupRules are used to model the routing rules on Security Groups or firewalls.
SecurityGroupRuleApplications are used to model the firewall rule Applications.
SecurityGroupRuleDestinations are used to model the firewall rule Destinations.
SecurityGroupRuleProfiles are used to model the firewall rule Profiles.
SecurityGroupRuleScopes are used to model the firewall rule Scopes.
SecurityGroupRuleSources are used to model the firewall rule Sources.
Provides support for custom UI tabs when viewing Server details within the UI.
Provides a means to set predefined tiers on memory, storage, cores, and cpu.
Provides a subset of properties from the ServicePlan object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides a subset of properties from the ServicePlanPriceSet object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
ServiceResponse is a generic that allows you to strongly type models.
Provides a subset of properties from the Setting object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Represents snapshots available on ComputeServers, StorageVolumes, etc
Provides a subset of properties from the StorageBucket object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Representation of a Morpheus StorageController database object within the Morpheus platform.
Provides a subset of properties from the StorageController object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
There are several different types of controller types across various cloud providers.
Represents a StorageServerType implementation for creating buckets, volumes and file shares.
This Provider interface is used in combination with StorageProvider to define a StorageServerType that can create and delete object storage buckets.
This Provider interface is used in combination with StorageProvider to define a StorageServerType that can create and delete file share storage buckets.
This Provider interface is used in combination with StorageProvider to define a StorageServerType that can create and delete storage volumes.
Provides a subset of properties from the StorageServer object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Representation of a Morpheus StorageVolume database object within the Morpheus platform.
Provides a subset of properties from the StorageVolume object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
There are several different types of volume types across various cloud providers.
This Utility Class provides a way to determine compare a 'master' list of items to an 'existing' list of items.
This Utility Class provides an rxJava compatible means for syncing remote API objects with local/morpheus backed models in a persistent database.
Details as may be relevant for executing a Task on an Instance, Container, or ComputeServer
Provides a standard set of methods for interacting with cloud integrations or on-prem service providers.
Result of task execution.
Base interface for any UI Tab related extensions.
Represents the Morpheus User and associated user data when calling into plugins.
Light-weight representation of user specific data
Provides an interface for user so identity checks dont' require full marshalling
User specific configuration for provisioning
This model will be provided from Morpheus-ui to the plugin controller.
Describes a pre-built system image.
Provides a subset of properties from the VirtualImage object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Describes a pre-built system image.
Provides a subset of properties from the VirtualImageLocation object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus for host and vms directly
Provides a subset of properties from the WikiPage object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Represents a workload running in morpheus.
Provides a subset of properties from the ComputeServer object for doing a sync match comparison with less bandwidth usage and memory footprint.
Provides methods for interacting with the provisioning engine of Morpheus.
Allows the workload to be resized
Results of running resolving the Iac resource mapping for a Workload